Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Yey! My first entry for 2013, and I don't know how much exciting is this that I am about to share but for me, I guess this is going to be the best start of my year. 

I went out today to meet a friend from my former home college, she is Nikki. I gave her a dvd-copy of Zumba fitness excercise to help her lose weight. I hope it will really help her! And then we shared some stories, mostly about us, not having our lovelife(s) haha. I really enjoyed sharing laughs with her, i must say, i missed her  lot, our joys together just like the old times.

As a sign of my gratitude to her, I bought her simple gift, ofcourse I also have one;

Simplest yet the sweetest. I love you so much, Nikki! :)

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