Thursday, January 3, 2013


I ain't fond of candies nor bubble gums ever, but today was a total ass-ing-different! This is the best-tasting & last-long-flavor bubble gum I've ever tasted! I chewed like pro! 

I hope this is available in the our local markets here in my country because this gum was only given by my mom's friend who just came from abroad. Cheers! 

Try it and see it for yourself how amazing is this gum! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Yey! My first entry for 2013, and I don't know how much exciting is this that I am about to share but for me, I guess this is going to be the best start of my year. 

I went out today to meet a friend from my former home college, she is Nikki. I gave her a dvd-copy of Zumba fitness excercise to help her lose weight. I hope it will really help her! And then we shared some stories, mostly about us, not having our lovelife(s) haha. I really enjoyed sharing laughs with her, i must say, i missed her  lot, our joys together just like the old times.

As a sign of my gratitude to her, I bought her simple gift, ofcourse I also have one;

Simplest yet the sweetest. I love you so much, Nikki! :)